Friday, April 28, 2006

Not alot to say...

It's been a semi-busy week trying to keep occupied while you know who continues his globe trotting adventure. I've been to 2 grill-outs with my friends, (whom I hadn't seen in a while!) 2 visits to the fam to do laundry. A bit of good news though, my friend Clint who is serving in Kuwait will be home for 2 weeks starting Monday. The odd thing is that while the government is paying for his transportation, he has to purchase his tickets as he goes. They fly him to Germany, and from there he has to get into the U.S. and then to CVG or DAY whichever works out best for him. Either way, I guess it doesn't matter as long as he is home safe to be with his family and friends.

PS my last day at this damn job is in one week!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Have you seen Brokeback Mountain?  If you haven't don't waste your time, get the 30 second version here!  If you have seen it you will fall off your chair laughing at this parody in Bun-o-vision.  ENJOY!


Our trip to Gatlinburg last was supposed to be Hilton Head, but we still had fun!!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

And we're back!

So I've been asked by numerous people to bring back the blog - well here it is!

Quick update:
  • New job starts in 2 weeks!
  • Went on a crazy pub crawl this past weekend!
  • Jim is still gallivanting around the globe :(
  • Ghetto camper in KY is primed and ready for lake trips!
  • Will & Grace has only 3 new episodes left :_(
  • American Idol is down to 6 finalists - ACE IS GONE YAY!!!!!
  • MySpace is kinda cool - tons of people have found me from my past life.
That's all I can think of for now - see you really didn't miss much!

More to come soon!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Gone - I may bring it back someday, thanks to all of my readers and commenters! I will be using for the interim while I think a new direction for my blog! Thanks again!
